2009年9月14日 星期一

Core Value of Hong Kong

What is core value? This is a hot question widely discussed among Hong Kong people recent year. In my view, core value is just a common value which is shared by Hongkonger. We share a lot of common value, such as freedom, human right, fair etc. While Core Value is discussed, it has been treated as a competitive advantage over the other. It is obvious that "OTHER" is refer to the main competitor - Mainland China.

I think two news recent happened can demonstrate what value we are treasury. First one is three journalist was beaten in Urumqi and resignation of Chief Judge Li Kowk Nang. I do not talking to much detail on above two cases, I think you read those of news already. However I would like to point out that all people (including those pro-China parties) are feeling shock and stood up (vigorously) to show their concern about the freedom of speech and news, human right, fair of judicial system etc in Hongkong future. I think this is the only advantage of Hongkong.

