2009年11月23日 星期一


Confusion ... ... is a noun. By powerful google dictionary, we know that confusion means

  • a state of uncertainty about what is happening, what you should do, what sth means, etc. 不 不 不確定;困惑 uncountable countable ~ (about/over sth) ~ (as to s)

  • the fact of making a mistake about who sb is or what sth is 混淆;混同 uncountable countable ~ (between A and B)

  • a feeling of embarrassment when you do not understand sth and are not sure what to do in a situation 困窘;尷尬;局促不安 uncountable

  • a situation of disorder in which people do not know what action to take (讓人不知所措的)混亂狀態 uncountable

Right!! I am feeling of embarrasment that I am in a situation of disorder in which I do not know what action to take.

Well. After I got a failure notice from police force. Well I am all right. I did not feel disappointed at that time.

While today and now, I am feeling confuse about where I should go and what I should do. I am a little bit regret about losing focus on my CFA examination. Um... maybe in this way, I am confuse that is it worth me to give CFA up and focus on my language and soft-skill for a totally different career. I am thinking of missing a chance of getting pass of CFA level 1. I don't know, who know? What should I do, Where should I go, What mean for me?I know. It is good for me to improve me language and soft-skill. I know I am shit in English and putonghua. It is good for me to get improve of that.

Anyway, just do what I want with full energry. At least, I am enjoy about spending all my energry on harsh work. I like mission impossible and difficulty. I do understand somebody who look me down on that. (ok ~ my feeling~ ) I still trying my best.

enough BULLSHIT for today~~!! CUT~!!

5 則留言:

  1. 我總是對自己說:「若果成功是那麼容易就獲得,它就變得沒有價值。每當成功來臨前,它總是令你困窘無比,很多人因此轉走另一條較而走的路,但只要跨過這個困難,你就會成功。成功與否只在乎你有沒有這份激情,這份無比的鬥志去跨得過別人跨不過的一道高牆。」---共勉之---

  2. Thanks ED~!!

    Um ... I think I am not afraid of difficulty, on the other hand I like challenging. I just feeling a little bit dispointed in DAUL losing in CFA and Inspector. I understant I am not up to standard to be inspector so far at this moment, at the same time I feel a little bit sad that I miss CFA once again. I always demand myself to be PERFECT. That why I am so confusing about the tradeoff. Maybe I should take one task at one time but not two or more.~!!

    Thanks guy.~!!

  3. 不知道,如果你今次沒有投考督察,將來會否非常後悔?始終,人愈大,顧慮的事就更多,現在總算是二十多歲,今天不做,將來想做也來不及。如果只比起CFA,今年考不到,出年再考,兩者比較上來,考督察更仍重要。當然,你也可以說,明年都得。但當你CFA LEVEL 1成功後,你又會否想考督察呢?我想不會啦!但當你將來某一天,做FINANCE做得不愉快時,心裡總會有一天埋怨自己為甚麼後生時不去試試考督察?但今次考了,起來碼給了自己一個機會,嘗試過,心定下來了,有清晰的目標,將都不太會埋怨自己的不是,生活應該過得開心點。至於,要遲一年才考得CFA,這也算甚麼呢?對嗎?

  4. Thx ED. I like this "始終,人愈大,顧慮的事就更多,現在總算是二十多歲,今天不做,將來想做也來不及。" very very impressive~!!

    突然我想起了韋史密夫主演<hitch>的主題曲中的幾句: If you want to get this you really want, you have to try, try and try, try and try, until dream come ture.

  5. 應是You can get it if you really want, you have to try, try and try, try and try, until dream come ture.先真... =.= 記錯歌詞..!!
