2009年9月18日 星期五

Dicision Making in Extreme Moment

Police Constable shot down a Nepal, Limbu, in March. Recent a team of Narcotic Officer broke into a house without warrant and beaten two young brothers, aged 18 and 20. One of the brother was beaten to deaf. Those issues raise the concern of society about how Police Force determine to using violent toward people in operation.

The police constable, Mr. Hui Ka Ki, who shot down Limbu claimed he was threaten by Limbu. According to the news I read on SCMP or some other newspaper, Mr. Hui seem complied with Police Working Guideline. He tried to warn Limbu to stop and put down the weapon. And he stepped back and try to keep a distance from Limbu. However Limbu seemed had no intention to stop attack. Mr. Hui took his gun which pointed to Limbu and shouted " Police, Do not move, Otherwise I will shoot." Then he shot one. After two second he shot again. Limbu fell down.

However I have a doubt about does he necessary to shot at that moment. I finished a book called "Blink" which is written by Famous author Mr. Gladwell. One of the chapter talks about how police make decision in high pressure situation. According to the book, when people is facing extremely high pressure, they will become autistic in short temporary moment. The autistic people who is sick cannot interpret emotion circumstance. Therefore they will make a wrong decision as they are misunderstood the issue. Here, I believe Mr. Hui was facing extremely high pressure. I think there is a chance that he acted like autistic at that time. I do not believe that a police officer who have trained for six months in Police School and worked over ten years in our society cannot defense a homeless Nepal. According to what he said on court, I think he was not only facing high pressure but also feeling fear. I can understand that everyone will feeling the same in that situation but an officer cannot be like that. I am not blame Mr. Hui but I do think that more training is needed for Police Officer. According to Mr. Gladwell research, when people face an extreme case first time, his heart beat normally will rise to about 180. In the second time, the heart beat will be around 150. In third round, it will be come 120 or less. When more practice on extreme case for Police Officer, there are more chance to keep Citizen in safe.

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