2009年10月1日 星期四

Why did you leave your job?

Sample answers to the interview question "Why did you leave your job?

* I found myself bored with the work and looking for more challenges. I am an excellent employee and I didn't want my unhappiness to have any impact on the job I was doing for my employer.
* There isn't room for growth with my current employer and I'm ready to move on to a new challenge.
* I'm looking for a bigger challenge and to grow my career and I couldn't job hunt part time while working. It didn't seem ethical to use my former employer's time.
* I was laid-off from my last position when our department was eliminated due to corporate restructuring.
* I'm relocating to this area due to family circumstances and left my previous position in order to make the move.
* I've decided that is not the direction I want to go in my career and my current employer has no opportunities in the direction I'd like to head.
* After several years in my last position, I'm looking for an company where I can contribute and grow in a team-oriented environment.
* I am interested in a new challenge and an opportunity to use my technical skills and experience in a different capacity than I have in the past.
* I recently received my degree and I want to utilize my educational background in my next position.
* I am interested in a job with more responsibility, and I am very ready for a new challenge.
* I left my last position in order to spend more time with my family. Circumstances have changed and I'm more than ready for full-time employment again.
* I am seeking a position with a stable company with room for growth and opportunity for advancement.
* I was commuting to the city and spending a significant amount of time each day on travel. I would prefer to be closer to home.
* To be honest, I wasn't considering a move, but, I saw this job posting and was intrigued by the position and the company. It sounds like an exciting opportunity and an ideal match with my qualifications.
* This position seemed like an excellent match for my skills and experience and I am not able to fully utilize them in my present job.
* The company was cutting back and, unfortunately, my job was one of those eliminated.

