2009年5月6日 星期三

Rent Seeking 尋租

競租 (rent-seeking,又稱尋租)

為獲得和維持壟斷地位從而得到壟斷利潤,所從事的一種非生產性尋利活動。也是利用資源通過政治過程獲得特權、損害 他人利益而獲得收益的行為,因此這種行為不具生產性。尋租活動不僅可以發生在政府對企業間,即政府在企業中尋租並獲得超額收益,也可以發生在企業對政府之 間,即企業在政府中尋租,從而獲得的一種政策所導致的收益。尋租活動最大的危害是破壞了市場的公平競爭原則,同時尋租行為也對社會資源造成了極大的浪費, 降低了經濟的運行效率,不利於國民經濟的發展和社會進步,因此,應致力於減少經濟運行中的尋租行為。


假設有個3000萬公民的國家,某天提出一個議案:每個人都要交一法郎,而這筆錢將在這個國家的30個公民中分配,而那30個人將會拿到100萬法郎。而 那30個人會立即出動,拉攏報界,賄賂有關官員,還聘請許多代理人為其奔走游說,用許多這樣那樣的冠冕堂皇的理由去慫恿選民為此議案投票(競租活動)。而 如果你是那其他公民中的一員,你又會怎麼辦呢?也許你很明白這有問題。可是單憑你一個人又能做些什麼?可能性太小了。況且,你和其他人一樣,每個人為此只 不過付出了區區一法郎的代價,說不定你根本不在意呢。於是那些掠奪者便藉此得逞了。

而常見的尋租包括了:政府的管制措施。例如進口限制、貸款限制等。任何有可能造成私人以合法或非法的手段來謀取私人利益的政策或制度。而政府官員的貪污導 致社會經濟效率的低落,也是一種尋租行為。同時,因政府錯誤決策造成的尋租,就是一種政府失靈。而在私部門,常見的也包括了插隊、非法走私、廠商以遊說或 賄賂政府官員等方式以謀私利。

尋租的根源在於制度安排上的弊端,而不完全是因為尋租者在道德上的問題,因此靠道德說教幾乎是無濟於事的。而對抗腐敗時,人們經常想到的是建立一個監督機 構,但有時甚至比不治理更糟。有一個寓言故事講的是牧童讓狗去管羊群,又讓棍子管狗。但是要拿什麼管棍子呢?除此之外,揭露尋租行為,使人們認識其危害, 從而有助於形成一個反對尋租的社會環境,也是可行的作法。


Rent seeking generally implies the extraction of uncompensated value from others without making any contribution to productivity, such as by gaining control of land and other pre-existing natural resources, or by imposing burdensome regulations or other government decisions that may affect consumers or businesses. While there may be few people in modern industrialized countries who do not gain something, directly or indirectly, through some form or another of rent seeking, rent seeking in the aggregate imposes substantial losses on society.

Most studies of rent seeking focus on efforts to capture special monopoly privileges, such as government regulation of free enterprise competition, though the term itself is derived from the far older and more established practice of appropriating a portion of production by gaining ownership or control of land. The term "monopoly privilege rent seeking" is an often-used label for the former type of rent seeking. Often-cited examples include a farm lobby that seeks tariff protection or an entertainment lobby that seeks expansion of the scope of copyright. Other rent seeking is held to be associated with efforts to cause a redistribution of wealth by, for example, shifting the government tax burden or government spending allocation. A temp agency can also become a rent-seeking entity for longer-term position placements, continuing to take a portion of an employee's paycheck months or even years after providing the initial job placement service, often providing no insurance benefits or anything that might otherwise justify taking cuts of employees' wages.

