2009年10月28日 星期三

Congratulation to my friend

I got a phone call tonight from my friend in University. He told me that he has been working in Fund House for few months. I think I should say : CONGRATULATION!! You step into investment industry finally~!!

He and I used to study in the same class as we work in financial sector. We were both major in accounting and finance. He was working in Bills Department and I was working in Retail Branch. We both decided to obtain a designation of CFA so that we can work as a analyst in invesment bank. Before financial tsunami, he resigned his job and spent all his time on CFA Level 1. Of course, he passed the exam for sure but he was in unemployment. Now I am happy that he got a job that he really want.

On the contrary, what am I doing now~!? Well, I have a new goal to work for it. However, I am just thinking of few words "Enthusiasm is the key of success, if you want to get it you are really want, you have to try, try and try, so the dream come true." I lost the enthusiasm in CFA and put all my afford into NEW GOAL~! Then what will I be if NEW GOAL fail.

